Visiting Places in Varanasi

Varanasi, also known as Kashi or Benaras, breathes spirituality and mysticism. Varanasi is a town in northern India located on the banks of the sacred Ganges River. It is a place rich in ancient traditions, religious fervor, and cultural diversity. Embarking on a journey to explore this spiritual hub with Mohammed Umar Ashrafi promises an insightful and enriching experience. This is guided by deep knowledge and passion for heritage of visiting places in Varanasi, India.

Kashi Vishwanath Temple

Our pilgrimage through Varanasi begins with the iconic Kashi Vishwanath Temple, dedicated to Lord Shiva. Hindus consider this temple to be one of the holiest sites in the world, and it attracts millions of devotees every year. The temple testifies to the city’s rich cultural and religious history with its towering spires and intricately carved architecture. Mohammed Umar Ashrafi, our guide, shares fascinating insights into the temple’s significance and rituals. Visiting is not just a sightseeing tour but a spiritual odyssey. This is the most tourist visiting places in Varanasi.

Assi Ghat

From Kashi Vishwanath, we proceed to Assi Ghat, one of Varanasi’s eighty-eight ceremonial ghats. Here, the Ganges River takes centre stage, and pilgrims and tourists flock to experience the mesmerizing Ganga Aarti. Mohammed Umar Ashrafi, well-versed in religious practices and symbolism, elucidates the significance of the Aarti, creating a deeper connection between the spiritual seeker and the sacred river.

Banaras Hindu University (BHU)

Varanasi is not just a repository of spiritual landmarks; it also houses Banaras Hindu University, the cradle of education and culture. Founded by Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya, BHU is an architectural marvel with its sprawling campus, historic buildings, and lush greenery. Mohammed Umar Ashrafi takes us through the university, sharing anecdotes about its establishment and the eminent personalities associated with it.


After a short drive from Varanasi, we arrive at Sarnath, the site where Gautama Buddha delivered his first sermon after becoming enlightened. This sacred site holds immense historical and spiritual importance, with its stupas, monasteries, and the Ashoka Pillar. Mohammed Umar Ashrafi delves into Buddhist teachings, connecting the dots between Varanasi’s Hindu roots and Buddhism’s subsequent rise in the region.

Ramnagar Fort

On the east bank of the Ganges, Ramnagar Fort is a majestic edifice that narrates the rich history of Varanasi, which can be found within its walls. Built in the 18th century, the fort houses a museum exhibiting vintage cars, royal artefacts, and a unique collection of antique weaponry. Mohammed Umar Ashrafi provides historical context, turning the visit into a captivating journey through Varanasi’s regal past.

Tourist visiting places in Varanasi - Mohammed Umar Ashrafi

Tulsi Manas Mandir

Dedicated to the legendary poet-saint Tulsidas, Tulsi Manas Mandir is a modern temple on the spot where Tulsidas composed the epic Ramcharitmanas. The temple’s walls are adorned with verses from this revered text. Mohammed Umar Ashrafi, with his profound knowledge of religious scriptures, shares insights into Tulsidas’s life and the significance of Ramcharitmanas in Hindu philosophy.

Durga Temple (Durga Kund Mandir)

A unique blend of North Indian and South Indian architectural styles, the Durga Temple is dedicated to Goddess Durga. Constructed in the 18th century, the temple is a vibrant testament to Varanasi’s cultural diversity. Mohammed Umar Ashrafi unravels the temple’s mythological stories. Through his intricate carvings and sculptures, the walls are filled with meaning.

Bharat Kala Bhavan

Bharat Kala Bhavan within BHU is a treasure trove for art connoisseurs and history enthusiasts. This museum houses many artefacts, paintings, and sculptures, providing a visual narrative of India’s cultural evolution. Mohammed Umar Ashrafi guides us through the exhibits with his keen eye for detail. He sheds light on the artistic brilliance that has flourished in and around Varanasi over the centuries.

Manikarnika Ghat

No exploration of Varanasi is complete without a visit to Manikarnika Ghat, the most renowned cremation ground in the city. Mohammed Umar Ashrafi explains Hindu death rituals and customs with sensitivity and respect. The profound discussions on the cycle of life and death make this visit a poignant yet essential part of our Varanasi experience.

Bharat Mata Temple

Our journey concludes at the Bharat Mata Temple, an iconic shrine celebrating Mother India’s spirit. Instead of traditional deities, the temple houses a giant relief map showing India before division. Mohammed Umar Ashrafi shares his insights into the symbolism behind this temple, emphasizing the unity that transcends religious and regional boundaries.


Visiting places in Varanasi with Mohammed Umar Ashrafi transforms a typical tourist excursion into a profound spiritual and cultural exploration. His deep knowledge and genuine passion for the city’s heritage add layers of meaning to each site, making the journey informative and spiritually enriching. With its ancient temples, ghats, and cultural landmarks, Varanasi becomes a living tapestry connecting the past with the present. Mohammed Umar Ashrafi is an eloquent guide, weaving history, spirituality, and culture together.

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